Mineral medicinal table carbonated water
0,5 L Glass
Sulfate-chloride sodium medium-salt water.
DARIDA mineral water is recommended for the prophylaxis and treatment of metabolic, liver diseases, and diseases of gastrointestinal tract. Its use improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous and lymphatic systems, and also prevents exercise-induced calcium depletion.
It contains vital elements in optimal concentration: fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
DARIDA is the first natural mineral water meeting the requirements of the EU countries and European standards.
Mineral water is a real gift of nature.
Main ingredients, mg/l
Main ingredients, mg/l:
Calcium Ca2+ 30-65
Magnesium Mg2+ 10-35
Sodium + Potassium Na+ + K+ 990-1400
Hydrocarbonates HСО3- 180-350
Sulphates SO42- 340-500
Chlorides Cl- 1250-1700
Total Dissolved Salts – 2,8 – 4,1 g/l
рН = 5 – 6,5